Salcombe Harbour Authority

Salcombe RNLI Lifeboat
Over the past 150 years, the Lifeboat has become a core part of what makes Salcombe special and its activities are supported by a strong team of shore helpers, launching officers, fundraisers and other voluntary supporters.
The current Station is operated by a team of 38 local men and women, the Coxswain and Mechanic being full time employees of the RNLI, the remaining 36 are all volunteers. Our mission is to reach any casualty, in any sea/weather conditions, within 10 miles of the lifeboat station, within 30 minutes of first being called. The station operates two boats, the 25-knot all-weather lifeboat (ALB) The Baltic Exchange III capable of operating in any sea/weather and the 35 knots Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat (ILB) Gladys Hilda Mustoe for work closer to the shore.

Search & Rescue Incidents
During the first 9 months of 2019 the Salcombe lifeboats have been launched on 53 occasions, to a mixture of incidents involving yachts, fishing boats, commercial vessels, kayakers, swimmers, divers etc. During 2018 the RNLI nationwide launched on 8,964 occasions and aided 9,412 people with 211 lives saves.
The RNLI is a registered charity and relies on voluntary contributions from the public, it receives no Government funding. The annual cost of running an all-weather lifeboat station is circa £215,000 and an inshore lifeboat station circa £95,000. The Fundraising Crew work tirelessly to organize and run events; If you would like to be a part of the Fundraising Crew please contact us.
2019 marked the 150th Anniversary of the first Lifeboat being stationed in Salcombe.
The anniversary year was marked by a series of events organized alongside clubs (including SYC), schools, businesses and associations. The aim was to enthuse and involve as many as possible and, particularly, to strengthen the links between Salcombe RNLI and the rest of the South Hams. The year’s celebrations culminated with a festival weekend over the actual anniversary date (21st September 2019) involving a Yellow Welly Ball, Lifeboat fleet review, RNLI bazaar and a church service and Town parade. There were also unveilings of commemorative sculptures in Kingsbridge and Salcombe and a book outlining the 150-year history is available for sale in the Lifeboat shop/museum in Union Street.
Over the past 150 years, the Lifeboat has become a core part of what makes Salcombe special and its activities are supported by a strong team of shore helpers, launching officers, fundraisers and other voluntary supporters.
Lifeboat Museum & Shop
As part of the lifeboat station in Union there is a museum displaying the 150-year history of Salcombe lifeboats, and a retail shop with RNLI souvenirs on sale.
Further information
www.salcombelifeboat.co.uk & salcombe@rnli.org.uk
Coxswain: Chris Winzar